Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ode on a Sequenza

Pumping, it's pumping and living with breath
Human voice, saxophone,....human saxophone
Stable and unstable begin to merge
Sweet, soft, light, no conflict is desired
Harsh, grotesque growl is what most often is
Is this beauty disguised or redefined?

The buzz outside is one, the buzz within
Repeated notes, repeated thoughts, repeat
An internal insanity now is
Outside, cannot be, will not be stopped
By the imposing order, the structure
The structure is instability

A glimpse, a blink, a small part in time
So perfect, it becomes imperfection
It's living, breathing. Inhale and feel it
Touch it, live it, you are, there is no choice
Everywhere, usless attempt to escape
No characters trapped....unbound...

It exists before we can hear the sound
Living past the last note...what is the last?
Silence is, was, interwoven, tangled
Light pushes dark, dark-light, universal
Trying to catch up, just falling behind
Fourteen minutes of infinity...

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