Thursday, November 15, 2007

Dual response

Hi guys! The following is my response to "Ode on a Grecian Urn"... as well as "Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird." It just happened to work out that way. I'm not going to write a blurb! So if you're confused as to how this ties in with themes in the ode, feel free to comment and I'll get back to you.

Mommy’s friends

A repertoire of song–
Innate, melodious,
And clear:
It can be learned by human ears,
But never reproduced.

A bird on the nose
Is worth two in the hand.

Every morning,
When the sky is still deep blue,
Her hands sift seed
Upon sod.

She knows that they will come.


Margaret said...

I get how stanza II is a response to the Urn... maybe you can explain in class... it's 15 min till class starts.

Margaret said...

Sorry I meant to say "I DON'T get how stanza II is a response to the Urn."

The VGDJs said...

Sure thing. I was in the hospital yesterday, hence the absence, but I'll explain II now.

When we were talking about Ode on a Grecian Urn, one idea that came up was the question of whether the reality is ever as good as what we expect. Sometimes "picture perfect" is just an illusion.

So with II here, I was trying to illustrate that the spontaneity of these creatures is largely what attracts my mother to them. She has a parakeet that is very tame, but it definitely has a mind of its own and will sometimes land on her nose of all places.

I took the proverb "A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush" and turned it back on itself, making the value once again about wildness. Birds have a certain allure and beauty because even when they trust you, they are still free at heart.

Margaret said...

oh ok